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作者:未知来源:网络收集时间:2011-10-11 7:28:08阅读:

We Need to Feel More
By Susan Polis  Schutz

We need to feel more to understand others
We need to love more to be loved back
We need to cry more to cleanse ourselves
We need to laugh more to enjoy ourselves

We need to establish the values of
honesty and fairness
when interacting with people
We need to establish a strong ethical basis
as a way of life

We need to see more
than our own little fantasies
We need to hear more
and listen to the needs of others

We need to give more and take less
We need to share more and own less
We need to realize the importance of family
as a backbone to stability
We need to look more
and realize that we are not so different
from one another

We need to create a world where
we can all peacefully live
the life we choose
We need to create a world where
we can once again trust each other

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