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2010世界杯英语作文:The World Cup(世界杯)

作者:未知来源:网络收集时间:2011-11-2 14:17:23阅读:

the world cup

the 2010 world cup will be hold in south africa。it is a grand occasion for all the football fans all over the world。my favorite team is the spainish team。and my favorite football star is didier yves drogba tébily。i hope the chinese team can do well in the world cup。because china has never won a world cup before。this year i hope the situation will change。
when the match begins,i hope i can watch it。but if i am busy studying then i will not watch it。because study is always the first priority。i wish one day china can hold a world cup,then our chinese can watch the matches without going abroad.
maybe one day my dream can come true.



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