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作者:未知来源:网络收集时间:2011-11-9 10:43:30阅读:

Chinese Chun Lian:Spring Couplets

chun lian is a special type of duilian, or couplet. it is used only during the chinese new year as part of its celebration. while duilian is permanent, chunlian is a temporary decoration to be placed on the entrance of the house, somewhat akin to halloween and christmas decorations.
duilian comprises of a couplet written on vertical strips of red paper in the best calligraphic style one can muster.
the first (called upper) line is posted on the right side of the front door.
the second (called lower) line is posted on the left side of the front door.   
in addition, a third horizontal piece may be posted across and on top the door.   
look at this picture or this for a general idea.
look at this painting depicting the scene of writing couplets   
typically, the chun lian writes an happy, hopeful, uplifting message about a better new year to come, like this one:   
word-for-word translation of above:   
top (horizontal across)   : whole   earth  returns  spring
left (vertical) line    : winter gone mountain clear water sparkles
right (vertical) line: spring comes   bird    sings flower fragrant
note that word for word, the upper and lower lines are antithetical, yet the meanings are complementary and content of the message is hopeful and uplifting. the words in the horizontal are written from left to right.  

上一篇: 铁路开工对联   下一篇: 新年英语春联

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