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作者:未知来源:网络收集时间:2012-2-4 12:21:02阅读:

dear mom and dad,

i love you .

today i want to tell you something

i know you work very hard every day

i know you do many things for me

i know you love me

i know you want me to be a great student

i know you want me to be very successful in the future

i promise you today

i will study very hard every day

i will read english every day.

i will speak perfect english

i will respect my teachers and my classmatess

i will exercise every day

i will be healthy .happy.confident.and responsible

my dear mom and dad .

don't worry about me

you will be proud of me

believe me.....

上一篇: 节约粮食倡议书   下一篇: 训练决心书

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