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Unit 1


conclude vt. 1. 结束[(+by/with)] We concluded our meeting at 9 o’clock. 我们九点钟结束了会议。 2. 推断出,断定 [+that] What can you conclude from these observations? 你从这些观察中能得出什么结论? 3. 缔结(条约)[(+with)] 4. (最后)决定(为)[+to-v][+that] He concluded that he would wait a little longer. 他决定再等一会儿。 He concluded to quit on pay day. 他决定在发薪水这天辞职。

vi. 结束,终了[(+with)] The meeting concluded after two hours. 两小时后会议结束了。 Impressive as the record is, it fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease. as引导让步状从,句子倒装。 Angry as he was, he listened to me patiently. 他很恼怒,却能耐心地听我说话。 Strange as it seems, it is so. 看似不可思议,事实却是如此。

fade vi. 1. 凋谢,枯萎 The flowers faded for want of water. 花儿因缺水而凋谢了。 2. (颜色)褪去 The color fades when exposed to light. 这颜色曝光后会褪色。 3. (声音等)变微弱;(光等)变暗淡;逐渐消失[(+away)] The sound of the footsteps faded away. 脚步声渐渐消失了。 4. 【美】【俚】离去,跑掉

vt. 使褪色 Sunshine faded the tapestry. 阳光晒得挂毯褪了色 Whether we are out to set a new record ourselves or simply enjoy reading about champions, the Guinness Book of World Records makes for interesting reading. make for可造成,可成为,有好处 The large print makes for easier reading. 大字排版使阅读轻松一些。 Does early rising make for good health? 早起有利于健康吗?

attempt vt. 1. 试图;企图;试图做[+to-v][+v-ing] They attempted to finish the task before July. 他们试图在七月以前完成这项任务。 2. 试图攻占 They attempted the life of the dictator. 他们试图杀死这个独裁者。

n.[C] 1. 企图,尝试[(+at/on)][+to-v] He made an attempt on the world record. 他试图打破世界纪录。 Her attempt at poetry was a failure. 她尝试写诗失败了。 2. 攻击[(+on)] Several attempts have been made on the president’s life. 已经有人三番五次试图谋杀总统。

confirm vt. 1. 证实;确定[+(that)][+wh-] His letter confirmed everything. 他的信证实了一切。 2. 坚定;加强 The latest developments confirmed me in my belief. 最新的发展使我坚信我的信仰。 3. 批准,确认 The queen confirmed the treaty. 女王批准了此项条约。

fascinate vt. 1. 迷住,使神魂颠倒;强烈地吸引[(+by/with)] I watched her, fascinated. 我瞧着她,完全被她迷住了。 The child was fascinated with his new toy. 那孩子对他的新玩具着了迷。 2. 慑住...使动弹不得,使呆住 The snake fascinated its prey. 那条蛇震慑住了它的捕获物。

vi. 有吸引力;迷人 burst vi. 1. 爆炸;破裂 The balloon burst. 气球爆炸了。 2. 冲,闯 Her door was thrust open, and Mrs. Page burst in. 她的门被猛地推开,佩奇太太冲了进来。 3. 突然出现;突然发生,爆发 4. (用进行时)塞满,几乎要胀破[(+with)] I am bursting with pride. 我自豪极了。

vt. 1. 使爆炸;使破裂 After ten days of rain the river burst its banks. 下了十天雨后河堤决口了。 2. 突然打开;冲出;炸出 3. 使胀破

underline vt. 1. 在...的下面划线 The key words are underlined. 关键的字下面划了线。 2. 强调;使突出 This example underlines the consequences of bad management. 这个例子突显了管理不好的后果。 center on/ upon/ around 集中; 居中[(+on/upon/around)] Their talks always center around politics. 他们的谈话总是围绕着政治。

concentrate vt. 集中;聚集,集结[O][(+on/upon)] We must concentrate our attention on efficiency. 我们必须把注意力集中在效率上。 Our population is concentrated in the big cities. 我国人口集中在大城市里。 vi. 全神贯注;专心致志于;全力以赴[(+on/upon)] She couldn’t concentrate on a book very long. 她不能长时间专心读一本书。

delight n. 1. 欣喜,愉快[U] To our delight, our football team won. 令我们高兴的是,我们的足球队赢了。 She ran back home with delight. 她兴高采烈地跑回家。 2. 乐事,乐趣[C] He enjoyed the delights of New York’s night life. 他喜欢纽约夜生活的乐趣。

vt. 使高兴;使愉快 I’m delighted that you are back. 你回来了,我很高兴。 We were delighted to read your novel. 我们很高兴拜读你的小说。 The clown delighted the audience. 小丑逗乐了观众。

register vt. 1. 登记,注册,申报 Waldo went to the city hall to register the birth of his son. 沃尔多去市政厅为他儿子作出生登记。 2. (仪表等)标示,指示;记录 The thermometer registered 70 degrees. 温度计显示七十度。

vi. 登记,注册 I registered at a hotel near the train station. 我在靠近火车站的一家旅馆登记住宿。

Unit 2

puzzle vt. 1. 使迷惑;使为难,使窘困 What puzzles me is why they didn’t show up. 令我百思不解的是他们为什么没有出现。 He looked a little puzzled. 他看上去有点困惑。 His recent behavior puzzles me. 他最近的行为使我迷惑不解。

2. 苦思而得出[(+out)] I could not puzzle out her intentions. 我猜不出她的意图。 We finally puzzled out the meaning of the poem. 我们苦苦思索终于理解这首诗的意思。

vi. 1. 感到迷惑[(+at)] I have been puzzling about this question for weeks now. 我对这个问题已冥思苦想了好几个星期。 2. 苦思,冥思苦想[(+about/over/as to)]

n. 1. (游戏的)猜谜,智力竞赛[C] 2. 难题,谜,难以理解之事[S1] Her decision was a puzzle to him. 她的决定对他来说是个谜。

3. 困惑,迷惑[S] I’m in a puzzle as to how to cope with the new situation. 我不知道该如何应付这新局面。 Silk from China found its way over land along the Silk Road to India, the Middle East and Rome, in exchange for spices and glass, which was not known to China. in exchange for与……交换 She is giving him English lessons in exchange for his teaching her Chinese. 她教他英语,他教她汉语。

wander vi. 1. 漫游;闲逛;流浪;徘徊[(+about/off/over/through)] He wandered in the streets. 他在街上游荡。 2. 离开正道;离题[(+from/off)] During the storm the ship wandered from its course. 船在风暴中偏离了航道。 He wandered from the subject. 他说离了题。 3. (精神)错乱;(思想)混乱;出神,开小差 My attention wandered. 我走了神。

volunteer n.[C] 1. 自愿参加者,志愿者[(+for)][(+to-v)] The volunteers for community service are doing a good job. 社区服务的志愿者做得很出色。 2. 志愿兵,义勇兵 Many Australians fought as volunteers on the Allied side. 许多澳大利亚人作为志愿兵与盟军一起战斗。

vt. 1. 自愿(做)[(+to-v)] They volunteered to repair the house for the old lady. 他们主动提出替老太太修缮房子。 2. 自愿提供,自愿给予 She volunteered the information. 她自动提供了这一消息。

vi. 1. 自愿;自愿服务[(+for)] He volunteered for the hard and unprofitable job. 他自愿做这苦差使。 2. 自愿当兵[(+for)] When the war broke out, he volunteered for the Marine Corps. 战争爆发时,他自愿参加了海军陆战队。

suggest vt. 1. 建议,提议[+v-ing][+(that虚拟)][+wh-] I suggest our going to the park on Sunday. 我建议我们星期天去公园。 The dentist suggested that she (should) come another day. 牙医建议她改天再来。 2. 暗示;启发[+(that陈述)] Her expression suggested pleasure./that she was pleased 她面露喜色。 3. 使人想起,使人联想到[(+to)] That cloud suggests a boat to me. 那朵云使我联想到船。

accomplish vt. 1. 完成,实现,达到 They didn’t accomplish the purpose desired. 他们没有达到预期的目的。 They have accomplished their mission successfully. 他们成功地完成了任务。

2. 走完,度过 She has accomplished 95 years of her life. 她已达九十五高龄。 The journey was accomplished in five weeks. 花了五个礼拜走完全部旅程。

refer to 1. 查阅,参阅 A person refers to a dictionary to find the meaning of the words. 2. 指……而言,指的是 I knew the lady was referring to Bill when she spoke of a bright young boy. 3. 把……称作(as) Don’t refer to your sister as a silly cow!

refer…to 1. 指导;让……找 Our teacher refers us to many good books. If he needs any further information, refer him to me. 2. 归功于;归咎于 He referred his success to the good teaching he’s had.

arise (arose, arisen) vi. 1. 升起,上升 A heavy mist arose from the lake. 湖面起了浓雾。 2. 产生,出现,形成[(+from/out of)] Unexpected difficulties arose in the course of their experiment. 在他们进行实验的过程中,出现了意想不到的困难。 Between the copartners serious disagreements arose. 合伙人之间产生了严重分歧。

evidence n. 1. 证据;证词;证人;物证[U][(+of/for)][+that][+to-v] He was punished for giving false evidence. 他因作伪证而受到惩罚。 The evidence is very shaky. 这证据相当靠不住。 2. 迹象[U][C][(+of)][+(that)] There are evidences that somebody has been living here. 有迹象显示有人一直住在这里。

praise n. 1. 赞扬,称赞[U] I’m sure I don’t deserve so much praise. 我肯定自己不值得这么多赞扬。 2. 赞美的话,赞词[P][(+of)] The praises of his friends made the boy feel very proud 3. 【宗】(对神的)赞美,崇拜[U] Let us give praise to God. 让我们赞美神吧。

vt. 1. 赞美,表扬;歌颂[(+for)] The publishers praised his novel pretty highly. 出版商们对他的小说评价甚高。 The mayor praised the boy for his courage. 市长赞扬这个男孩很勇敢。

Unit 3

fellow n.[C] 1. 【口】男人;家伙;人 A fellow must eat. 人总得吃饭。 2. 伙伴;同事 They are my fellows at school. 他们是我的同学。

adj. 同伴的;同事的;同类的 He recalled his fellow traveller with pleasure. 他愉快地回忆起他的旅伴。

criminal adj. 1. 犯罪的,犯法的 Robbery is a criminal act. 抢劫是犯罪行为。 2. 刑事上的 Scotland has its own criminal law. 苏格兰有它自己的刑法。

n. 罪犯[C] resemble vt. 像,类似 [(+in)] She was not beautiful; she did not resemble her mother. 她不漂亮;她不像她的母亲。 The two sisters resemble each other in appearance. 这两姐妹在外表上彼此相像。

diverse adj. 1. 不同的,互异的 John and his brother have diverse interests. 约翰和他兄弟的兴趣迥然不同。 2. 多种多样的;多变化的 The program deals with subjects as diverse as pop music and ancient Greek drama. 这档节目涉及包括流行音乐、古希腊戏剧在内的各种题材。

transform vt.[(+into)] 1. 使改变;使改观;将...改成 The Greggs have transformed their garage into a guest house. 格雷格一家把他们的车库改成了客房。 2. 改造;改革;改善 The situation has been greatly transformed. 形势已经大大好转。 3. 使变换 A generator transforms mechanical energy into electricity. 发电机将机械能变成电。

differ vi. 1. 不同,相异[(+from)] Our tastes differ from each other. 我们的嗜好不同。 2. 意见不同[(+from/with)] That’s where we differ. 那是我们有分歧的地方。

chew vt. 1. 嚼,咀嚼,嚼碎 He chews gum. 他嚼口香糖。 2. 深思,细想,熟虑[(+over)] I’ll chew the problem over for a few days. 这个问题我会仔细思考几天。 He chewed over the problem for several days before making his decision. 他对这个问题详细考虑了好多天才做出决定。

vi. 1. 咀嚼[(+on)] He can’t chew without his false teeth. 他没有假牙就嚼不动。 2. 深思,细想[(+on/upon)] He took my offer after chewing on it. 仔细考虑后他接受了我的提议。

roast vt. 1. 烤,炙,烘 He roasted a chicken for dinner. 他烤了一只鸡作晚餐。 2. 烤得使变热(或烫),烘暖 The sun was roasting us. 太阳炙烤着我们。 3. 【口】严厉批评,痛斥 They got roasted for losing the game. 他们因比赛失利而遭到严厉批评。

vi. 1. 烤,炙.烘 The beef is roasting in the oven. 烤箱里正烤着牛肉。 2. 烤得变热(或烫) Can we open the window? I’m roasting. 我们能开窗吗?我都热死了。

n. 1. 烘烤[U][S] Give the duck a good roast. 把这鸭子好好烤烤透。 2. 烤肉,炙肉[C][U] We’ll do a roast for dinner. 我们晚餐吃烤肉。 3. 【美】野外烤肉聚会[C] They had a hot dog roast last Sunday. 他们上星期天举行了一次烤热狗野餐会。 adj. 烘烤的 He is very fond of roast duck. 他很喜欢烤鸭。

barrier n.[C] 1. 障碍物;路障,栅栏 The police put up barriers to control the crowd. 警察设置障碍物,借以控制人群。 2. 障碍,阻碍[(+to)] They soon overcame the language barrier. 不久他们便克服了语言上的障碍。 3. 界线[(+between)] 4. 剪票口;海关关卡 Mike was stopped at the barrier because he forgot to show his ticket. 麦克在剪票口被拦住了,因为他忘记出示车票。

pointed adj. 1. 有尖头的,尖的 His daughter has a pointed nose. 他女儿长着一个尖鼻子。 2. 尖锐的;深刻的;中肯的 pointed criticism 尖锐的批评

claw n.[C] 1. (动物的)爪,脚爪;(蟹、虾等的)钳,螯 The owl swooped down and picked up the mouse in its claws. 猫头鹰猛扑下去用爪子抓起了老鼠。 2. 爪形器具;羊角锤;拔钉锤 3. 【贬】手

vt. 1. 用爪子抓(或撕、挖、拉等) The rooster clawed a hole in the earth. 那只公鸡在地上扒出个洞来。 2. 费力地夺回[(+back)]

vi. 用爪子抓(或挖)[(+at)] She clawed at my shirt in her temper. 她大发脾气一把抓住我的衬衫。

Unit 4

procedure n. 1. 程序;手续;步骤[U][C] The chairman was quite familiar with the procedure for conducting a meeting. 主席对开会的程序很熟悉。 The next procedure is as follows. 下一个步骤如下。 2. 常规;传统的做法[C][U] The first step in the procedure for making a kite is to build the frame. 制作风筝的第一步是做骨架。

growth n. 1. 生长,成长;发育[U] Exercise and good food are important to the proper growth of a child. 运动和营养好的食物对孩子的正常发育十分重要。 2. 增长;增大;发展[U][S1] The rate of overall industrial growth was above eight percent. 工业总增长率超过百分之八。 3. 种植,栽[U] These are fruits of my own growth. 这些是我自己栽培的水果。 4. 生长物;产物[C][S1] A thick growth of weeds covered the yard. 庭院长满浓密的野草。

merely adv. 只是,仅仅,不过 That was merely a guess of mine. 那只是我的一种猜测。

classify vt. 将...分类;将...分等级 People who work in libraries spend a lot of time classifying books. 在图书馆工作的人花大量的时间为书籍分类。 Eggs are classified according to size. 鸡蛋按大小分等级。

identification n. 1. 认出;识别;鉴定;确认[U] the identification of criminals by their fingerprints 凭指纹确认罪犯 2. 身份证明;身份证[U][C] I used my driver’s license as identification. 我用驾驶执照作为身份证明。 3. 有关联;认同;一体感[U][(+with)] The candidate’s identification with organized crimes cost him the election. 那位候选人因与集团犯罪有关联而落选。

promote vt. 1. 晋升 [(+to)] He certainly ought to be promoted. 他应该要提升。 2. 使(学生)升级 [(+to)] Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. 通过考试的学生将升到高一个年级去。 3. 促进;发扬;引起 The Prime Minister’s visit will promote the cooperation between the two countries. 首相的访问将促进两国间的合作。 4. 促使(法律等)通过 Promote a bill in Parliament. 促使议案在议会获得通过。 5. 【美】宣传,推销(商品等) Your job is to promote the new product. 你的工作是促销这一新产品。

appetite n.[U][C] 1. 食欲,胃口[(+for)] Exercise gave her a good appetite. 运动使她胃口大增。 2. 欲望;爱好[(+for)] At the moment she had no appetite for gossip. 此时此刻她无心闲聊。

appoint vt. 1. 任命,指派 [(+as/to)] They appointed him (to be) manager. 他们任命他为经理。 He appointed Williams as his deputy in the city of York. 他任命威廉斯作为他在约克市的代理人。 2. 约定,指定;安排 Our visitors arrived at the appointed time. 我们的来宾在约定的时间到达了。

calculate vt. 1. 计算[+(that)][+wh-] He calculated the costs very carefully. 他仔细计算开支。 2. 估计;预测;推测[+(that)][+wh-] 3. 计划,打算;使适合(某种目的) [+to-v] His remark was calculated to hurt her. 他的话是故意要伤她的。 4. 【美】【口】以为,认为[+(that)] I calculate they will soon arrive. 我看他们快要到了。

vi. 计算 Have you finished calculating yet? 你计算好了吗?

enterprise n. 1. (有一定冒险性的)事业[C] 2. 冒险精神;进取心,事业心[U] Tom is a man of great enterprise. 汤姆很有进取精神。 3. 企业,公司[C] This enterprise is doing a good business. 这家企业生意兴隆。

accumulate vt. 累积,积聚;积攒 They set to work accumulating a huge mass of data. 他们开始累积大量的资料。

vi. 积成堆;累积,聚积 Dust had accumulated during her absence. 她不在时灰尘积了起来。

abandon vt. 1. 丢弃;抛弃,遗弃 The crew abandoned the burning ship. 水手们离弃了燃烧中的船。 The broken bike was found abandoned by the river side. 人们发现那辆损坏的自行车被扔在河边。 2. 放弃,中止 He finally abandoned his reformist ideas. 他终于放弃了自己的改良主义思想。 3. (与oneself连用)使放纵;使听任[(+to)] She abandoned herself to despair. 她陷入绝望之中。

reward n. 1. 报答;报偿;奖赏;报应[U][C] It is unfair that he gets very little in reward for his hard work. 他工作很辛苦,报酬却很少,这不公平。 2. 酬金;赏金;奖品[C][(+for)] A large reward is offered for the capture of the criminals. 巨额悬赏捉拿这些罪犯。

vt. 1. 报答,报偿;酬谢;奖励[(+with/for)][O1] Winners will be rewarded a trip to England. 优胜者将获得去英国旅游的奖赏。 2. 报应;惩罚(坏人或坏事)[(+for)] He will sooner or later be rewarded for his wicked conduct. 他的恶行迟早会受到报应。

latter adj. 1. 后面的;后半的;末了的 This latter point was of great importance. 后面这点极为重要。 2. (两者中)后者的 Here are Tom and David; the latter is my brother. 这是汤姆和戴维;后者是我的兄弟。 3. 最近的;现今的 His health has been deteriorating in these latter years. 最近几年他的健康越来越差。

distinguish vt. 1. 区别;识别[(+from)] He can distinguish a genuine antique from a reproduction. 他能区别真正的古董与复制品。 2. (凭感觉器官)辨认出 I can distinguish my roommates by their footsteps. 我能根据室友的脚步声辨认出他们。 3. 使杰出;使显出特色 She distinguished herself as a black lawyer. 她成了一位杰出的黑人律师。

vi. 区别;识别;辨别[(+between)] It is certainly important to distinguish between right and wrong. 明辨是非当然要紧。

Unit 5

convey vt. 1.) 运送,搬运,转运[(+from/to)] Passengers are conveyed by bus to the air terminal. 用公共汽车载送旅客前往航空站。 2.) 传播(声音等) A wire conveys an electric current. 电线传导电流。 3.) 传达,传递,表达[(+to)][+(that)][+wh-] I found it hard to convey my feelings in words. 我觉得难以用言语表达我的感情。 4.) 转让(财产等)[(+to)] The old farmer conveyed his farm to his son. 老农夫将其农场转让给儿子。

advertise vt. 1.) 为...做广告;为...宣传 If you want to sell your product you must advertise it. 如果你要推销自己的产品,你就必须做广告。 2.) 公布;通知 He advertised them of his decision to withdraw from the election. 他告知他们自己要退出选举的决定。

vi. 做(登)广告,作宣传[(+for)] The company is advertising for typists in the newspapers. 那家公司在报纸上登广告征聘打字员。

blame vt. 1.) 责备,指责[(+on/for)] He blamed you for the neglect of duty. 他责备你玩忽职守。 I don’t blame you; I blame myself. 我不怪你;怪我自己。 2.) 把...归咎(于);归因于[(+on/onto)] Don’t blame the failure on him, but on me. 别把失败归咎于他,该怪我。

n.[U] 1.) 责备,指责[(+for)] I am ready to take the blame for the mistake. 我准备承担这一错误的责任。 2.) 责任[(+for)] The judge put/ laid the blame for the accident on the driver of the car. 法官把事故归罪于小轿车司机。

react vi. 1.) 作出反应,反应[(+to)] How did she react to the news? 她对这个消息反应如何? 2.) 影响,起作用[(+on/upon)] The two react upon each other. 这两者互相影响。 3.) 抗拒,反抗[(+against)] Children tend to react against their parents by going against their wishes. 孩子们通常以违背父母的意愿来反抗他们。 4.) 起反作用,回过来起作用[(+on/upon)] Unkindness often reacts on the unkind person. 恶人往往有恶报。 5.) 【化】起化学作用;【物】反应[(+with/on)] How do acids react on metals? 酸对金属会起怎样的化学反应? An acid can react with a base to form a salt. 酸和碱反应会产生盐。

vt. 使起(化学)反应;使发生相互作用[(+with)] We make superphosphate by reacting rock phosphate with sulphuric acid. 我们使磷酸盐岩同硫酸发生化学反应制造过磷酸钙。

annoy vt. 1.) 惹恼,使生气;使烦恼[(+by/at/with)] His mother was annoyed with him for being so rude to their neighbors. 他母亲因为他对邻居如此粗暴无礼而生他的气。 2.) 打搅,困扰 These flies are annoying me. 这些苍蝇一直在打搅我。

vi. 令人讨厌(或不快)

accuse vt. 1.) 指控,控告[(+of)] She accused him of stealing her watch. 她控告他偷她的表。 He accused his boss of having broken his word. 他指责老板不守信。 He was accused of murder. 有人指控他谋杀。 2.) 指责,把...归咎(于) Man often accuses nature for his own misfortunes. 人类常把自己的不幸归咎于天。

associate vt. 1.) 联想,把...联想在一起[+with] They associate turkey with Thanksgiving. 他们把火鸡和感恩节联系在一起。 2.) 使联合,使结合[+with] 3.) 使有联系 [+with] I didn’t want to be associated with it at all. 我根本不想与这事有牵连。

vi. 结交,交往[+with] He associates with all sorts of people. 他与各种各样的人交往。 Never associate with bad companions. 千万不要与坏人为伍。

get across 传播,使...被理解 I couldn’t get my point across in the debate. 在辩论中我无法清楚地表明自己的观点。 He found it difficult to get his idea across to them. 他发现他难以使他们了解他的想法。

appeal vi. 1.) 呼吁,恳求[(+to/for)][+to-v] He appealed to me for help. 他向我求援。 He appealed to his friends for support. 他请求朋友支持。 2. )诉诸,求助[(+to)] We will appeal to a great variety of sources of information. 我们将求助于多种资料来源。 3.) 有吸引力,迎合爱好[W][(+to)] The idea appealed to Mary. 这主意正合玛丽的心意。 4.) 【律】上诉[(+to/against)] He appealed against the five-year sentence he had been given. 他对被判五年徒刑提出上诉。

vt. 【美】将...上诉,对...上诉 He appealed his case to a higher court. 他向上一级法院申诉。 n. 1. 呼吁,请求[C][U][(+to/for)] He made one last appeal to his father to forgive him. 他最后一次恳求父亲宽恕他。 2. 吸引力,感染力[U] These subjects have lost their appeal for most students. 对多数学生来说,这些学科已经失去了吸引力。

figure n.[C] 1.) 外形;体形;人影 I saw a figure in the darkness. 我看到暗处有一个人影。 2.) 体态;风姿 She has an attractive figure. 她有迷人的曲线。 She has a slender figure. 她身材苗条。 3.) 人物;名人 He has become a figure known to everyone. 他已成了一个知名人物。 4.) 数字 Where did you get those figures? 你从哪儿得到那些数字的? 5.) 数量;金额;价格 His work now commands huge figures. 他的作品现在值大价钱。 6.) 图表;图解;插图 Our textbook has many figures to help explain the lessons. 我们的教科书有许多图表帮助解释课文。 7.) 画像;塑像

vt. 1.) 计算 Please help me to figure out my income tax. 请帮我算一下我的所得税。 2.) 认为,以为;估计[Y][+(that)];料到 How do you figure that? 你如何料到的? I figure that you’d want your coffee. 我想你要喝咖啡了。

profit n. 1.) 利润,盈利;收益,红利[C][U] He made a profit of fifty thousand US dollars on his house. 他卖掉房子获利五万美元。 2.) 利益,益处;得益[U] We gained a lot of profit from your advice. 我们从你的建议中获益匪浅。

vt. 有益于 Telling lies won’t profit you. 撒谎对你无益。

vi. 1.) 有益,有利 2.) 得益,获益[(+by/from)] He learned to profit by his mistakes. 他学会了从自己的错误中获益。 We profit from the work of the specialist. 我们从专家的工作中得到益处。

attach vt. 1.) 装上,贴上,系上[(+to)] He’ll attach the label to your luggage. 他会把标签系在你的行李上。 2.) 使依附;使附属[(+to)] This hospital is attached to the medical college nearby. 这个医院附属附近的那所医学院。 3.) (与oneself连用)使参加;使附着[(+to)] He attached himself to the expedition. 他参加了那个探险队。 4.) 把...归于[(+to)] How can you attach the blame for this accident to the taxi-driver? 你怎么能把这次事故的责任归于出租车司机呢?

vi. 1.) 附属;附加[(+to)] 2.) 归属[(+to)] The blame for this accident attaches to the man who drove under the influence. 这起事故的责任应由酒后开车的那个人承担。 3.) 伴随[(+to)] Those are advantages that attach to the profession. 那些都是从事该职业的种种有利条件。

discount n.[C][U] 折扣;打折扣 We give a special discount of 10 per cent for cash. 如用现金购买,我们给予九折优待。

vt. 1.) 将...打折扣;将商品打去...折扣 That store discounts all its slow-selling goods. 那家商店削价出售所有滞销货。 2.) 不全相信;怀疑地看待 You must discount much of what he says. 他说的好些话,你必须打个折扣听。

vi. 打折扣出售商品 Many stores do not discount at all. 许多商店出售商品一概不打折扣。 make sense 有意义;有道理;讲得通 This sentence doesn’t make sense. 这句子毫无意义。 It makes sense to take care of your health. 好好照顾自己是有道理的。

Unit 6

quit vt. 1.) 离开;退出 He quitted Paris after a week. 他一周后离开了巴黎。 2.) 放弃[+v-ing] He has quit smoking. 他已戒了烟。 3.) 解除,免除[(+of)] She finally quit herself of fear. 她终于消除了恐惧。 4.) 【美】停止[+v-ing] Quit muttering! 别嘀咕!

vi. 1.) 离开;迁出 If he doesn’t pay his rent, he will receive notice to quit. 如果他不付房租,他将被通知搬出去。 2.) 停止 It’s almost 5 o’clock; time to quit. 都快五点钟了;该下班了。

apply vt. 1.) 应用;实施[(+to)] We should apply both theories in the language classroom. 我们应把两种理论都运用到语言教室中去。 2.) 使起作用;使适用 [(+to)] This rule can not be applied to every case. 这条规则并不是在每种情况下都能适用的。 3.) (后常接oneself)使致力(于),使专心从事[(+to)] He applied himself to learning French. 他致力于学习法语。

vi. 1.) 申请,请求[(+for/to)][+to-v] He has applied for a post in England. 他已申请在英国供职。 2.) 起作用;适用 [(+to)] This rule applies to freshmen only. 此项规定仅适用于大学一年级学生。

assessment n. 1.) (为征税对财产所作的)估价[U] 2.) 被估定的金额[C] my tax assessment for 1994 我一九九四年的税额 3.) 评价;估计[C] He made a careful assessment of the situation. 他对形势作了细致的评估。

assess vt. 1.) (为征税)估定(财产)的价值[(+at)] The value of this property was assessed at one million dollars. 这财产的价值估定为一百万元。 2.) 确定(税、罚款、赔偿金等)的金额 assess damage after an accident 事故后确定损害赔偿金额 3.) 对...进行估价,评价 It is too early to assess the effects of the new legislation. 现在来评价新法规的效果为时尚早。

burden n.[C] 1.) 重负,重担;负担,沉重的责任 The old man bent with a heavy burden on his back. 老人因背着重负而弯腰。 2. )(船的)装载吨数,吨位[the S][(+of)]

vt. 1.) 加重压于,加负担于,烦扰[(+with)] The government burdened the nation with heavy taxes. 政府使国民负担重税。 2.) 加负荷于,使载重[(+with)] He was burdened with a large bundle of magazines. 他吃力地捧着一大捆杂志。

desperate adj. 1.) 情急拼命的,铤而走险的 A desperate man will stop at nothing to get what he wants. 一个亡命之徒为了达到自己的目的什么事都做得出来。 2.) 危急的;绝望的 He was desperate when he lost all his money. 当他丢了所有的钱时,他绝望了。 3.) 极度渴望的[F][(+for)][+to-v] He was desperate for work to provide for a large family. 他渴望有个工作,挣钱供养子女众多的家。

accustomed sb’s accustomed cheerfulness 某人一贯的乐观情绪 be accustomed to working/ to work hard 习惯于苦干

relief n. 1.) (痛苦,负担等的)缓和,减轻;解除[U] [(+of/from/on)] The pills gave her some relief. 药片减轻她一些痛苦。 2.) 轻松,宽心,慰藉[U] Hearing the news, he breathed a sigh of relief. 一听到消息,他如释重负地松了口气。 3.) 救济物品,救济金[U] Relief was flown to the flood-hit areas. 救济物品被空运到洪水泛滥区。

deliver vt. 1.) 投递;传送;运送[(+to)] The mailman delivered the letters promptly. 那个邮差准时地投递信件。 2.) 发表;讲;宣布 He delivered an important report at the meeting. 他在会上作了重要报告。 3.) 给...接生;生(婴儿) She delivered twins in the evening. 晚上她生了一对双胞胎。 4.) 解救;解脱;释放[(+from)] Education delivered him from ignorance. 教育把他从无知中解救出来。 113

vi. 1.) 投递;送货;传送 2.) 履行,实现[(+on)] I am certain that he will deliver on his promise. 我确信他会履行诺言。

Thank you

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