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以下为课件内提取的文本内容,仅供参考: Unit 14 Word study 1. humorous 幽默故事 a humorous story. 幽默作家 a humorous writer. N. humo(u)r a sense of humour 2. get (catch, seize, take) hold of 抓住,拿住,握住 I threw the rope and he got hold of it. I managed to get hold of the jar before it fell. 3. tell ….apart to be able to recognize the difference between two or more tings or people The twins are so much alike that we can hardly tell them apart. ….,我们几乎分不出谁是谁。 4. surrounding surroundings Qinhuangdao and the surrounding countryside They are living in pleasant surroundings. Animals in zoos are not in their natural surroundings. 动物园中的动物没有自然环境。 5. apparent 明显的;清楚的;表面上的 It is apparent to me that you're tired. It was apparent that he knew nothing about how to repair cars. 很明显,他一点儿也不知道怎样修理小汽车。 an apparent advantage. 表面上的优势 apparent cause 表面原因 Their apparent grief turned to crazy laughter in a minute. 他们那假意的哀伤很快就变成了一阵阵狂笑。 6. sideways adv. 侧面朝前地 She walked sideways through a narrow opening 她侧着身子走过狭窄的通道。 侧向一边地 We turned the table sideways to get it into the room. 我们把桌子斜向一边以便把它搬进房间里。 7. precise 精确的;准确的 恰好的 at that precise moment 恰恰在那个时刻 极清楚的;明确的 A lawyer needs a precise mind. 律师需要极清楚的头脑。 8. adequate =enough 足够的,充分的 The food last night I ate for dinner was adequate. We took adequate food for the holiday. 我们为假期带足食品。 恰当的;胜任的 I hope you will prove adequate to the job. 我希望你能胜任这工作。 9. clarify : to make clear or easier to understand 使清晰或易懂; She clarified her intentions. 详细说明她的意图 The government has time and again clarified its position on equal pay for women.政府已经反复阐明政府对男女同工同酬的立场。 澄清混乱或疑惑: clarify the mind. 理清想法 clarify matters 澄清真相 10. fetch: go and bring 取来,拿来;叫来 Fetch the doctor! 快去请医生来! Will you fetch some water? 你给拿点儿水来好吗? a story that fetches the tears to one's eyes 催人泪下的故事 His words fetched a laugh from all present. 他的话使在场的人都笑了。 吸引;迷住 11. as a matter of fact in fact in reality 12. disgusting disgusting personal habit disgusting language 不堪入耳的话 13. changeable changeable weather. 易变的天气 changeable behavior. 可改变的行为 changeable silk. 变色丝绸 14. troop 结队而行,成群涌向 The game was over and the players trooped home. The students trooped behind the teacher into the museum. 15. copy You should copy his strong points, not his weak points. 学它的长处,而不是他的短处。 16. far-away A far-away forest 远处的森林 far-away times 遥远的时代 a nearby hotel a nearby post-box He lives far away from the school. The car is parked nearby. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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