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以下为课件内提取的文本内容,仅供参考: Unit 11 Word formation Grammar P 1:Something you do in your free time P 2:What is under your feet __________ P 1:The way into a park or yard P 2:Someone keeping or taking care of sth. _______________ P 1:Part of the car that makes the power to move P2:a traffic tool which can move with two wheels _______________ playground gatekeeper motorbike man day achieve fail arrange research break like announce kind -ed -ly through -ment -ure -er mankind breakthrough daily achievement failure arrangement researcher likely announcement 加前缀 (prefix) un+happy=unhappy in+correct=incorrect 加后缀 (suffix) happy+ ly= happily use +ful= useful 加前后缀 un+happy+ly= unhappily im+press+ive= mpressive Affixation (派生) 通过加前后缀形成新词 invisible= in+vis+ible disagreement=dis+agree+ment dishonesty=dis+honest+y impossibility= im+possible+ity non-conductor= non+conduct+or international=inter+nation+al illogical= il+logic+al replacement=re+place+ment disappearance=dis+appear+ance misunderstanding= mis+ understand+ing enlargement=en+large+ment reconsideration=re+ consider+(a)tion interaction=inter+act+tion unexpected=un+expect+ed unforgettable=un+forget+able unsuccessful= un+success+ful workshop railway newspaper mankind underground spaceship broadcast website toothbrush internet world-famous follow-up face-to-face out-of-date Compounding (合成) 由两个或多个词合成另一个词 Clipping (裁减,混合) aeroplane =plane smoke+fog =smog (烟雾) laboratory=lab breakfast+lunch =brunch (早午餐) SOS BTW DIY MSN DL VOA IC RUOK THX by the way do it yourself
I see Are you OK? Thanks messenger Abbreviation (缩写) save our soul / ship down load Voice of America telephone manned international uncountable mankind broadband underground made-to-order plane cycle lab ad photo exam phone fridge bike IT CSA IOC e-mail hi-tech Xmas NATO brunch smog motel telecast Affixation (派生) 通过加前后缀形成新词 Compounding (合成) 由两个或多个词合成另一个词 Abbreviation (缩写) 可以按字母读音或象单词一样读。 Clipping (截断)把一个词的前部分或后部分或前后各截去一部分 Blending (混合) 把两个词各取一部分合成另一个词 Conversion (转化) 由一个词类转化为另一个词类 e.g. Have you watered the flower?. I will pour some water in the pot. Arrange the following words into groups. international=inter+national broadband= broad+band manned= man+ed extremely= extreme+ly mankind=man+ kind telephone= tele+phone hi-tech= high+technology e-mail=electronic mail IT=information technology CSA=Chinese Space Agency Homework: Do all the exercises in SB and WB | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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