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Unit 6 Mainly Revision

作者:未知来源:中央电教馆时间:2006/4/17 20:29:54阅读:nyq



  One can bank on the fact that most coins derive from Latin words, and are named after people, places, or things.
  Even the word coin, translates from the Latin "cuneus," meaning wedge, and was thusly named because early coins ressembled the wedges the dies used to coin coins. Our cent, from the Latin "centum," meaning one hundred, our dime, from the Latin "decimus," meaning tenth, and the French franc, from the Latin "Franconium Rex," meaning King of the Franks, are all examples of the naming of money, the root of all evil, which translates from the Latin word "mona," meaning to warn!
  On to a more weighty manner in which people named coins, that being physical weight. The English pound, translates from the Latin "pondo," meaning pound, or, to get more heavily into detail, from the Latin "libra pondo," meaning a pound of weight. This method of naming coins weighed heavily in naming of the Spanish peso and of the Italian lira.
  A sense of fairness dictates that some coins bear the names of the metals of which they are composed. Thus, our nickel is made of nickel. Location, not Latin, sometimes figures prominently into the naming of sum (oops!), some coins. Our very own dollar, not always in paper form, originally hailed from the silver mines of Bohemia, where Bohemians extracted silver for the coins, and minted them in the town of Joachimsthal. Realizing that the coin they termed the Joachimsthaler, short of lacking in creativity, was rather lengthy, our Bohemian friends lost the head of the name, and kept the tail, with the end result being the thaler. The thaler eventually lost its lisp, and became our dollar.
  Many countries used their word for crown, for example, crown, sovereign, krone, krun, krone, corona (not the beer), to demonstrate that some crown authority initially granted permission to mint them. Other countries named coins in honor of their heros, such as the Panamanian balboa, after the explorer Balboa, the Venezuelan bolivar, after one of it's national heros, and the Peruvian sol, also not a beer, but the Spanish word for sun, after this ancient Incan object of worship.
  甚至“coin”(硬币)一词,是从拉丁文“cuneus”翻译过来的,意思是“楔子”。之所以称之为“楔子”,是由于早期的硬币与用来铸造硬币的楔形模具很相似。我们的美分“cent”一词,来自拉丁文“centum”,意思是“一百”。“角”(dime)一词来自拉丁文“decimus”,意为“第十”。法国的货币法郎“franc”一词来自拉丁文“Franconium Rex”,意为“法兰克人之王”。所有这些都是给钱币,人们所说的万恶之源,命名的例子,而钱(MONEY)一词也是由拉丁文“mona”演绎而来的,意为“警告”!
  后来,人们又按其重量命名硬币,即实物的重量。英镑是由拉丁字“pondo”演绎而来的,意思是“帮”,从重量角度看更具体一点说是来自拉丁文“libra pondo”,意为“一磅重”。这种从重量上命名硬币的方法,对西班牙货币比索及意大利货币里拉来说显得特别重要。
  还有一些硬币直接以铸造它们的金属名称而得名,这样比较一目了然。例如,我们的五分镍币是以镍制造的。有时我们以产地,而并非拉丁文,来形象地表明某些硬币的面值。我们的美元 Dollar ,并不一直都是以纸币形式出现的,它起源于波希米亚的银矿。波希米亚人从硬币中提炼出银,然后在Joachimsthal镇制成硬币。起初,他们称这种硬币为Joachimsthaler,后来,他们认识到这一名称缺乏创新,而且太长,因此我们的波希米亚朋友就把这个字去掉头部,保留尾部,结果就成了“thaler”这个样子。“thaler”一词最终失去了咬舌音“th(A/o)”,而成为了我们今天的“dollar”一词。


1892年,美国为纪念哥伦布发现新大陆400周年,在芝加哥(当时美国铁路中心)举办了哥伦布博览会(Columbian Exposition)。会上发行 l/2美元纪念银币一枚(图 1)。它是美国发行的第一枚纪念币。由著名设计师巴伯(C·E·Barber)设计了币正面哥伦布头像;另一著名设计师摩根( G· T· Morgan)设计了币背面,正中为哥伦布发现新大陆时的旗舰圣马利亚号(Santa Maria),舰下为两个半球,象征新旧大陆。纪念币在1892、1893年共发行了250万枚,在博览会上售价1美元。未售出部分进入流通。大约有200枚精制币。现普通币售价100~500美元,精制币4500~5000美元。


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