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Unit 13 What colour is it?

作者:未知来源:中央电教馆时间:2006/4/17 20:29:53阅读:nyq



  1. In the western family names, there are many words of colours. For example, Green, Brown, Black, White are English family names. In the Chinese family names, there are words of colour. For example, Bai (white), Hong (red),Huang (yellow), Hei (black), Lan (blue) and so on












  colour, colour真美丽,









  light sweater作上装。

  Which colour do you want?



About Colour

  What is colour? Why do some objects look red, others green, others blue?

  Colour is caused by reflected light rays. Something that is red reflects mostly red light, (it reflects a little green or blue light, too, but we do see it.) in the same way, a green objects reflect all colours of light. Black objects do not reflect light.

  What happens to the colour of light that is not reflected is absorbed. Light that is absorbed is turned into heat. For this reason, dark-coloured clothes are warmer in the sunlight than lighter-coloured clothes.

About  “Green”

  Green is a popular colour. It symbolizes youth and vigour. Meanwhile it has special implications. For example: “Green Great Wall”, “Green Olympic and so on.”

  古人对绿色也是情有独钟的。宋代诗人王安石曾写诗一首:井口瓜州一水间,钟山只隔数重山。春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还。其中“春风又绿江南岸”一句中的“绿”字据说改了十几次。最初用“到”,改作“过”, 又改作“入”,最后才改定“绿”。一个“绿”字的妙用使得“春风又绿江南岸”成了千古绝句。

Autumn Leaves and Fall Colour

  Painters, poets and photographers have long been inspired by fall colour. Getting out in the woods for the annual extravaganza is a joyful experience for those who live and work in the busy, populated city.

  During those outings, the sun seemed particularly brilliant, the skies intensely blue. Studies show that fall colours have mood-elevating effect on just about anyone, anywhere.

  Autumn can also stimulate scientific musing: what causes leaves to change colour in the first place? Where does the colour come from? Does the change have a practical purpose in nature? And why are the colours spectacular one year, but in another year just so-so?

  Essentially, leaf colour begin to change because chlorophyll --- a substance that makes them  green---begin to diminish as a result of shorter days and cooler weather

  Scientists understand what cause the leaves to change colour, but maybe they know virtually nothing about why they change. What role does this phenomenon play in the nature’s broad scheme of things? Nobody knows. In this book Leaves: Their Amazing Lives and Strange Behavior, researcher Jamers Poling writes: “This is both surprising and puzzling, since nature seldom wastes energy to no purpose. Yet as far as botanists can determine, the chemical energy that goes into the painting of a leaf is of no benefit at all to the plant. The colours seem merely to herald the end of a leaf’s life cycle.”

  While the phenomenon of autumn foliage may not have a purpose, falling leaves (regardless of colour) do perform an important role in forest ecology.

  Some years, fall colours can be downright dull. The reason has to do with the weather. Excellent colour requires excellent conditions—a stretch of mostly sunny days and cool, but not freezing nights. Excessive rain, a prolonged period of drought or an early freeze can each diminish autumn leaf colour.

  For those of us who eagerly await the annual autumn spectacle, there is little need for scientific explanations about what purpose changing leaf colour play in the environment. That is happens is perhaps reason enough to marvel at the power and unpredictability of nature.


Black Friday (倒霉的日子)

  在西方,人们常常把倒霉的日子,称为“Black Friday(即黑色星期五)——即使出事当天并非星期五也这么说。为什么星期五(Friday)会如此不吉利呢?

  一、据传星期五是耶稣受难日,那是在复活节前的星期五。在耶稣受难日司祭穿着黑色祭服,因此这个不吉利的日子得名“黑色星期五(Black Friday),喻作“倒霉的日子”。如果指“耶稣受难日”,“Black Friday”也写作“Good Friday.


西方文化 (衣着Dress 中颜色的讲究)


  总的来说,衣着趋向简单随便,但在许多场合仍有规律可循。在最正式的场合要求穿带白领结的夜礼服,邀请信上写着“白领结”(white tie),意思就是要求男性客人穿这种礼服。这是一种正式的服装,通常为黑色,上装后部较长,因此又称燕尾服;里面是配套的背心;背心里面穿一种特殊的翘领的白色衬衫,衬衫领口用装饰性的链扣;领结是白色蝴蝶结。由于这种衣服穿的机会很少,人们大多向专门的店铺租赁。事先预订,在活动前一天租到手中。在美国,租金一天需几十到一百美元。这种夜礼服一般是在正式的舞会或者特殊的宴会上才穿。女士在这种场合一般需穿专门为舞会准备的长裙,戴珠宝首饰,也可以穿两件一套的质地高雅的(例如丝绸)衣服。

  邀请书上如果写“黑领结”(black tie),意思是男性客人必须穿带黑领结的礼服。这种礼服通常为黑色,但也有人喜欢深蓝色,上装后面没有尾,翻领通常为丝质,可以是单排或双排扣;衬衣为白色,但前胸有装饰;领结通常是黑色蝴蝶结,但也有的年轻人戴颜色鲜艳的丝质蝴蝶结;通常穿黑色皮鞋。在这种情况下,女士可穿长裙或者中长裙,有的女士穿时髦的长裤。这主要取决于时尚。




  1. colour

  a) give a false colour to 歪曲报道

  Some newspapers often give a false colour to the news that they report. 一些报纸常常歪曲报道他们所公布的消息。

  b) lose colour 变得苍白

  As her illness got worse she lost more and more colour. 由于病情恶化,使她变得越来越苍白。

  c) show one’s true colour 现原型

  We thought Toby was timid, but he showed his colours when he rescued the ponies from the burning barn. 我们认为托尼十分胆小,当他从马棚救出小马,他才显出他的本色。

  2. blue

  a) a bolt from the blue 沮丧、忧郁

  She feels homesick and blue.

  b)      out of the blue 晴天霹雳、意想不到令人吃惊

  The news that the firm was closing down came as a bolt from the blue to the staff. 公司倒闭的消息传来,令职员们吃惊。

  c) 出其不意地、出乎意料地

  At the last minute Johnny came out of the blue to catch the pass and score a touchdown. 


  3. red

  a)  catch sb red-handed 当场抓住

  They caught the thief red-handed while he was just putting the diamonds in his pocket. 当小偷把钻石放进斗里时,他们当场抓住了他。

  b)  red-letter day 特别高兴的一天

  It was a red-letter day for us when Paul came home. 波里回来时,对我们来说是特别高兴的一天。

  c)  in the red 亏损

  A large number of American radio stations operate in the red. 大批的美国广播电台亏损经营。

  A rich man who has a farm often runs in the red, but makes his money with his factory or business. 拥有农场的富人常常亏损经营,但他们靠工厂和做生意赚钱。

  4. white

  a)  black-and-white 把事物看作不是好就是坏

  The old man’s religion shows his black-and-white thinking; everything is either completely good or completely bad. 这位老人的宗教思想表明了他的不是好就是的想法,一切事物不是绝对的好就是绝对的坏。

  b)  swear black is white 不择手段

  He wants that job very much, and he’ll swear black is white to get it. 他希望得到那份工作,并且不择手段的得到了那份工作。

  c)  white elephant 废物 笨重无用的东西

  That enormous wardrobe your mother gave us has been nothing but a white elephant. 你妈妈给我们的大柜子只不过是个废物。

  5. black

  a) black and blue

  After the fight he was and blue. 一场架打的他青一块,紫一块。

  They beat the poor boy black and blue.

  b) look black

  The future looked black when Father got hurt and could work.

  c) go black (失去知觉时) 变成一片黑

  Suddenly everything went black and that’s the last thing I can remember.



  1. I like the blues.  我喜欢伤感的歌曲。

  2. I don’t like brown sugar. 我不喜欢红糖。

  3. Jim looks blue. 吉姆看上去情绪低落。

  4. Don’t trust(信任)him. He’s a yellow dog. 别信任他。他可是个卑鄙小人。

  5. They don’t like the yellow book. 他们不喜欢那种廉价小说。

  6. August(八月)1st is a red-letter-day in China. 在中国,八月一日是个值得纪念的日子。

  7. Tom is in the red. He can’t buy (买)a car. Tom 负债不少,无法买车。

  8. You can’t find his kite? He’ll see red. 你找不到他的风筝?他会生气的。

  9. There are many flowers in the green room. 暖房里有许多花。

  10. My uncle is twenty-five. He is in the green. 我叔叔二十五岁,正年轻。

  11. Don’t play with the boy. He is a black sheep.别跟那个男孩玩。他是个败家子。

  12. The girl can’t find her dog. She is under the black dog.那个女孩找不到她的小狗,神情沮丧。

  13. I want to drink some black tea. 我想要些红茶。

  14. Is there any white coffee in the cup?务杯子里有加奶的咖啡吗?

  15. The man in the car is a whitesmith. 车里面的那个人是个银匠。

  16. Kate likes to be in a brown study. 凯特喜欢幻想。

  17. He was born (生于) in the purple. 他生于帝王之家。



  1. black 黑色。例如:

  a black letter day  倒霉的日子、凶日 black sheep 害群之马  a black book 黑名单   black dog  沮丧    black tea红茶   black coffee不加糖或奶的浓咖啡 

  2. blue 蓝色。例如:

  blue Monday 不开心的星期一    blue films黄色电影   blue blood 贵族血统

  3. white白色。例如:

  white room无菌室或绝尘室     white lie 没有恶意的谎言

  a white elephant昂贵而无用之物

  4. yellow黄色。例如:

  a yellow boy 金币   a yellow dog 卑鄙的人

  yellow book 指法国等政府或议会发表的报告书

  此外,a green hand表示“没有经验的新生”,a red-neck表示“乡下佬”等。在学习英语时要特别注意中英文的异同。

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