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Unit 10 Sports

作者:未知来源:中央电教馆时间:2006/4/17 20:29:53阅读:nyq


Teaching aims and demands
  通过本单元的教学,通过词汇的学习学生能掌握exciting, take part in, hand in等单词和词组的用法,学习表达爱好的用语以及如何询问对方的爱好的表达方法。根据课文所提供的内容,用英语描述奥林运会的历史、发展、过去与现状,能够列举出中国运动员所参加的一些项目和在奥运会中取得的优异成绩。继续学习由关系代词who, that, which等引导的定语从句,并掌握这部分语法内容。
Teaching important and difficult points
I. Words and phrases
athlete, compete, competitor, competition, unusual, swift, medal, gold, prize, Olympic Games, in modern times, take part in, exciting, have sports, read out
II. Useful expressions
Which do you prefer, ...or...?
I prefer. . .to. . .
III. Grammar
Learning prep + which / whom+ Clause

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