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Unit 10 At the shop

作者:未知来源:中央电教馆时间:2006/4/17 20:29:54阅读:nyq


  1 In some parts of the world, tea_____ with milk and sugar.
  A. is serving  B. is served  C. serves  D. served
  分析:serve作不及物动词时是“服役,当兵”,作及物动词是“(餐馆)提供服务,可供饭莱”。在本题考查的是动词serve 即为“与奶和糖一起提供”之意。所以正确答案为B项。

  2.No matter ______ hard it may be, I will carry it out.
  A. what  B. whatever  C. how  D. however
  分析:根据no matter 的用法,其后可接what, who, when, how 等引导状语从句,故本题选项为A或C。另外no matter加疑问词又相当于疑问词加ever更说明no matter不能与B、D项混用。what后接名词,how后接形容词或副词。故本题答案为C项。

  3._______by what you say, he ought to succeed.
  A. To judge  B. Judged  C. Judging  D. Being judged
  分析:judge作”判断”解时,可用作及物动词,后接名词、代词或从句,但当其充当独立成分作状语时,要用judging by/from,不考虑与主语的逻辑关系。故答案为C项。

  4.Please do me _________favour to open the window.
  A. a  B. the  C./  D. all above
  分析:do sb. a favour后不接具体事物,favour后若接具体所帮忙的事,如此题中“to open the widow”则favour前要用定冠词the。答案为B项。

  5.He ________his clothes and went to bed.
  A. undressed  B. pull of  C. got off  D. keep off
  分析:undressed是以“人”为宾语,与句子宾语不适合。pull off意义虽对,但时态不符;而keep off意义不对。正确答案为C项。

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