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Unit 13 Albert EAinstein

作者:未知来源:中央电教馆时间:2006/4/17 20:29:54阅读:nyq


Teaching Aims & Demands
I.Words & Expressions
ruler, go on with, the First World War, worldwide, right (n.), peace; work out, stick (vi.) stick to , rule; course (n.)
communist, professor; scientific, darkness, shy, content, lead to, discovery, cheque, human right; prove, bent, respect, leading, sadness, take sides (in), fuel, advance, advanced,, mathematics, education; further education, technical
Albert Einstein, Alexander Bell, the Nobel Prize, bookmark, Swiss, Hitler, Jew.

II. Daily Expressions for communication----Identifying people
Is it ---? No, it's not him/ her. Is he / she ---? Who is he / she? What did he do?
It must be him/ her.

III. Grammar------ noun clauses as the subject.

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