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Unit 24 Mainly revision

作者:未知来源:中央电教馆时间:2006/4/17 20:29:54阅读:nyq



  dial; chat; hire; wind (v. ); strengthen; recover; distant; lately; interrupt; remain; lack; due; have. . . on; get together; all the best; have a word with; connect with; in other words; free of charge


  1How a telephone works is a question which not everyone can answer.

  2The problem with electrical signals is that they get weaker and weaker as they travel along metal wires.

  3语法: 名词性从句 ( Noun Clauses )

  a)That is why he decided to buy a mobile phone.

  b)Who made the long distance call to him is not important.

  c)The fact that we lack enough phones needs to be considered.

  d)We need to think about what we should say to the callers.

  4、日常交际用语 打电话 ( Making telephone calls)

  a)Hello. Can I speak to Pippa, please?

  b)There is no Pippa here. This is 8686087. 

  c)I'm sorry. I think I dialled the wrong number. 

  d)Hold on. I'll go and get her.

  e)I called to ask you if you'd like to come to a lecture on Thursday evening at the college.

  f)I'll have to go now. Someone wants to use the phone. All the best.


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