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Unit 3 Australia

作者:未知来源:中央电教馆时间:2006/4/17 20:29:54阅读:nyq


1.Words & expressions
  Camp, ash(tray), dirt, valley, beyond, cave, thirst, sunburnt, system, spiritual, faith, elder, curiously, underground, starve, thus, percentage, precious, fence, task, outdoors, shave, argue;
Bonny, Italy, Italian, Kooris, aborigines, koala, dingo
Fix up, hand down, rather than, give birth to, round up, be experienced at,
  2. Daily English
  1) Be careful!2) Look out!3) Take care 4) Don't do... 5) You mustn't do...
  3. Grammar: The -ing forms as object complement and adverbial
II. Teaching aims in developing competence
To develop the abilities of listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities.
  1. To develop the ability of communication.
  2. To develop the ability of expressing prohibition and warnings.
  3. To develop the ability of using -ing Form as object complement and adverbial.
  4. To develop the practical skills of using English, especially in talking about a country.
III. Teaching aims in moral education
  1. Learn to care for others and the collective, help each other, and defend students themselves.
  2. Arouse students' consciousness of protecting the animals and plants and the environments.
  3. Develop the spirit of love of the motherland

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