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作者:未知来源:网络收集时间:2006-12-18 9:26:13阅读:


Currently, only two U.S. insurers have access to China's market. Under the agreement:

China agreed to award licenses solely on the basis of prudential criteria, with no economic-needs test or quantitative limits on the number of licenses issued.

China will progressively eliminate all geographic limitations within 3 years. Internal branching will be permitted consistent with the elimination of these restrictions.

China will expand the scope of activities for foreign insurers to include group, health and pension lines of insurance, phased in over 5 years. Foreign property and casualty firms will be able to insure large-scale commercial risks nationwide immediately upon accession.

China agreed to allow 50 percent ownership for life insurance. Life insurers may also choose their own joint venture partners. For non-life, China will allow branching or 51 percent ownership on accession and wholly owned subsidiaries in 2 years. Reinsurance is completely open upon accession (100 percent, no restrictions).


Currently foreign banks are not permitted to do local currency business with Chinese clients (a few can engage in local currency business with their foreign clients). China imposes severe geographic restrictions on the establishment of foreign banks.

China has committed to full market access in five years for U.S. banks.

Foreign banks will be able to conduct local currency business with Chinese enterprises starting 2 years after accession.

Foreign banks will be able to conduct local currency business with Chinese individuals from 5 years after accession.

Foreign banks will have the same rights (national treatment) as Chinese banks within designated geographic areas.

Both geographic and customer restrictions will be removed in five years.

Non-bank financial companies can offer auto financing upon accession.


China will permit minority foreign-owned joint ventures to engage in fund management on the same terms as Chinese firms. By three years after accession, foreign ownership of these joint ventures will be allowed to rise to 49 percent. As the scope of business expands for Chinese firms, foreign joint venture securities companies will enjoy the same expansion in scope of business. In addition, 33 percent foreign?owned joint ventures will be allowed to underwrite domestic equity issues and underwrite and trade in international equity and all corporate and government debt issues.


China has made strong commitments regarding professional services, including the areas of law, accounting, management consulting, tax consulting, architecture, engineering, urban planning, medical and dental services, and computer and related services. China's commitments will lead to greater market access opportunities and increased certainty for American companies doing business in China.



China will allow the 20 films to be imported on a revenue-sharing basis in each of the 3 years after accession. U.S. firms can form joint ventures to distribute videos, software entertainment, and sound recordings and to own and operate cinemas

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