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To Foreignize or To Domesticate(3)

作者:未知来源:网络收集时间:2006-12-18 9:26:14阅读:

6. Conclusion 

On examining the translation of metaphor and the discussion of some of 
the problems involved, I have realized that different methods of translation 
are changeable rather than fixed, contingent rather than eternal. Whether 
to use foreignizing or domesticating strategy depends on different factors 
such as the importance and the contextual factors of the SL text, the consideration 
of referential accuracy, the reader’s acceptability and the "pragmatic 
economy" (Newmark, 1988b: 110). I believe there are special problems involved 
in the translation of metaphor, but the theory of the translation of metaphor 
is justifiable within the general theory of translation. To sum up, in 
translation practice, there is no foreignization without some degree of 
domestication, by the same token, there is no domestication without some 
degree of foreignization. 




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