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  I am writing to inform you that I am dissatisfied with your …


  I understand you will give immediate attention to this matter.

  I would like to have this matter settled by the end of …



  I would be most grateful if you could send me information regarding/concerning …

  I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding …


  Your prompt attention to this letter would be highly appreciated.

  I am looking forward to hearing from you.



  I am writing to seek for your assistance in …


  I would like to thank you for your generous help in this matter.



  I am writing to apologize for …

  I am writing to say sorry for …


  I sincerely hope that you will be able to think in my position and accept my apologies.



  I would like to convey in this letter my heart felt thanks to you for …


  I must thank you again for your generous help.



  I am writing to express my views concerning …

  You have asked me for my advice with regard to … and I will try to make some conducive suggestions.


  I feel that it would be beneficial if …

  I would like to suggest that …

  I would recommend that …

  If I were you,I would …

  You may consider doing …

  It would seem to me that you could…

  As you may agree that …


  I would be ready to discuss this matter to further details.



  I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a waitress …


  Thank you for considering my application and I am looking forward to meeting you.

  If you need to know more about me,please contact me at …



  I would like to present … for your consideration in your search for a qualified manager.

  With reference to your requirements,I shall,without reservation,recommend … as an ideal candidate.


  Therefore,I don't hesitate to recommend … as the right person for your consideration.

  Any favorable consideration to this letter would be considered a personal favor.



  I am writing this letter to see if it is possible for me to have my camera back.


  I would really appreciate it if you could …



  I am writing to invite you to …

  I wonder if you could come …


  My family and I would feel honored if you could come.

  We would be looking forward to your participation in the party.

  I really hope you can make it. ?一:信头(Heading)



  二:信内地址(Inside Address)





  格式:信内地址下隔一二行写称呼,其左要与信内地址第一行对齐。对不相识的男子,单数常用“Sir”,?“Dear Sir”,?或“My Dear Sir”;复数常用?“Dear Sirs”?或“Gentlemen”。?对女子,单数常用?“Madam”,“Dear Madam”或“My Dear Madam”;复数常用“Mesdames”或?“My Dear Mesdames”;对比较熟识的男子,普通称?“Dear Mr.?……”;?女性通常称“DearMrs. (或Miss)……”。熟人和亲人常直呼其名,不用姓氏(以?“Dear”为例):1)“Dear David”;2)“My dear David”;3)“My David”?4)“My dearest David”;5)“My Dearest”;6)“Darling David”;7)“My Darling”;8)“My very own darling”等。有头衔的可把头衔写放在名字前,如“Prof Wang”,?“Dr Lin”等。

  四:正文(Body of Letter)

  格式:称呼下面隔两行开始写正文。每段第一个字母要缩进3至5个字母的空格。正文是信的主要部分,内容要简单明了,一般不用同汉语信一样的“你好(how are you?)”之类的词。

  五:结束语(Complimentary Close)


  “Yours truly”或“Truly yours”

  “Yours faithfully”或“Faithfully yours”

  “Yours Sincerely”或“Sincerely yours”


  “Yours respectfully”?或“Respectfully yours”

  “Yours obediently”或?“Obediently yours”

  “Yours”,?“Yours ever”,?“Ever yours”,?“Yours as ever”或?“Yours sincerely”


  “Yours affectionately”,?“Lovingly Yours”,?“Your loving son(child, sister…)”,?或”Yours devoted friend”等。结束语末尾要用逗号。


adventure ;n.& vt.冒险;词中词 :venture 冒险;投机 risk; danger; adventurous adj.喜欢冒险的;充满危险的

airplane ;n. 飞机;联想: aircraft 飞行器;飞机;

disappoint ;v. 失望;泄气;词中词appoint 指定;委派

argue ;vi. 争论;争吵; 近义debate discuss;

brave ;adj. 勇敢的; 近义bold ;fearless

care about担心;关心care for 喜欢;

cast vt.& vi. 投掷;投射;抛 (cast,cast) 联想;broadcast 广播

compass ;n. 罗盘;指南针;词中词 pass 通过;经过

deserted adj. 荒芜的;荒废的;为人所弃的; 联想:desert 沙漠; dessert甜点;drop sb a line给某人写信(通常指写短信)

e-pal; ;n. 网友;联想:pale苍白的; e-friend;

error ;n. 错误;差错;false adj. 错误的;fault n.错误false; incorrect不正确的

feeling ;n. 触觉;知觉;感觉;情绪;

近义emotion ;feel ;touch;

Fond; adj. 喜爱的;喜欢的; ( be) fond of喜欢;爱好

Fry; ;vt. & vi. 油煎;油炸 frying-pan; pot; try

Gun;;n. 炮;枪;联想: run; fun;

Hammer;n. 锤子;槌; 词中词ham 火腿;

联想: gram; grammar

Handsome; ;adj. 英俊的;美观的; 近义

beautiful; pretty; smart

honest; adj. 诚实的;正直的; 近义loyal;


hunt vt.& vi.& n. 打猎;猎取;搜寻

hunt for 搜寻;追寻;寻找look/ search for

in order to 为了; 比较: so as to ,

lie ;n./v. 谎话;谎言;形近lie; pie; (lied;lied ); lay;lain 躺;

loyal ;adj. 忠诚的;忠心的; 联想loyalty; ;n.忠诚 ;loyalist; 忠臣;

match; ;n. 火柴;比赛 ; 形近march 前进

mirror; ;n. 镜子; 形近 :error 错误; terror; 恐怖 ;

movie; ;n. 电影;film; move; 助记:我I在里边演动感move电影 movie;

parachute ; n. 降落伞; ArA对称; 联想paragraph; separate; character

rope; n. 绳;索 ; 形近; hope; telescope 望远镜;

saw; ;n. 锯; see

scared; ;n. 恐惧的;联想:scar; scarf 围巾; share; ;n./v. 分享;共有;分配;共享;份额; 词中词 hare 野兔

smart; ;adj. 聪明的;漂亮的;敏捷的; 词中词art; mart=market 市场

solution; ;n. 解答;解决办法;解决方案 solve; ;v. resolution n.决心;

sorrow; n. 悲哀;悲痛; 联想:row (划船)n.行;排 sad ;arrow 箭

speech; vt.& vi. 演说;讲话;语音

联想:speak; pronunciation ;lecture

such as 例如;like; for example;

survive; ;vi.&vt 幸免于;幸存从……中生还;surprise;surface ;vive-万岁(法语)

wise ; adj. 英明的;明智的;聪明的;


a great many 许许多多;极多(修饰可数名词);复习:a number of;many a;penty of;

bathroom ;n./v. 浴室;盥洗室;厕所 bathe;洗澡;

bring in; 引进;引来; bring together 带来;聚集 ;

broad; ;adj. 宽的;助记:“宽的路”;词中词road

closet; ;n. 壁橱;储藏室; 词中词;close; set;

come about;发生; 近义happen; occur; take place;

commander; n. 司令官;指挥官

词中词command 指挥;控制; man

Communicate; vi. 交际;沟通;传达

联想:communication; n. 交流;通讯;通信

compare vt. 比较 ;联想:contrast 对比 ;词中词pare 削皮;剥去;prepare;

cookbook; n. 食谱;联想:notebook; exercise book; guidebook;指南;

end up with 以……告终 ;复习

begin/start with 以……开始

equal adj. 相等的;胜任的; vt. 等于;比得上; 联想:equality平等 ;equation 方程式;等式unequal不等的; be equal to ;

except for; 除了……之外; 联想: besides;加上; in addition to ; apart from;

exchange ;vt.& n. 交换;交流;兑换;

词中词change 变成;复习: communicate communication;

expression; n.短语;表情; 联想: impression;

fall; n秋天;瀑布;

联想: rainfall ;autumn ;call ;hall ;tall

global ; adj. 全球的;球形的; 联想: globe; n. 球; 地球仪

government; n. 政府;内阁; 联想:govern统治; 管理; rule ;

howl; vi.& n. 谐音:嚎叫;怒吼;嚎哭

independent; adj. 独立自主的; 联想:depend;

international; adj. 国际的;世界的;联想:nation; national

landlady; n. 女房东;老板娘 land+ lady;

majority; n. 多数;大半; 词中词 major 主要的

make oneself at home 别客气

movement; n. 运动;动作;运转;move;

native; adj./n 本国的;本地的 civil 国内的;local;当地的;本地人;本国人

organization; n.组织;机构;团体; 词中词:organize; opposite 在……对面

president; n. 总统;校长;行长;会长; 词中词resident 居民;居住者;reside居住 residence住宅

pronounce; ;vt. 发音;宣告;断言;

复习noun 名词; pronunciation; pronoun;

publish; v. 发表;出版;公布;词中词 pub 酒吧(店);联想: print ;come out;

repeat; n.vi重做;重复;复述重复;反复replace; vt. 取代;替换;代替; 联想:change ; take the place of;

service; n. 服务;服务性工作;联想:

serve; conservation 保护;维护

signal; ;n. 信号 ;联想:;design ;assign;

appoint ;sign 标志;迹象;签名

situation; n. 情形;境遇;(建筑物等的)位置;联想:situate v.位于;处于;坐落

southern; n. 南方的;南部的 northern;


Spanish; ;adj. n 西班牙语;西班牙人;


stand; ;n. 台;看台;摊,摊位;站;容忍; standard; understand ;stage

statement; n. 陈述;声明;综述; 联想:state

stay up; 不睡;熬夜;sit up;stay away from

tidy; ;vt. 整理;收拾 tide 潮汐 clean tongue ;n. 舌头;语言;口语 ;language

mother tongue; n. 母语 tongue twister

total; ;adj. ./v. 总数;合计; 总共;altogether adv.总计;总数

in total; ; 联想:altogether; add up to ;in all; all in all;on the whole;

totally; adv. 完全地;整个地

tourism; ;n. 旅游;观光; 联想:tour;towel; ;n. 毛巾; scarf 围巾;纸巾 hankerchief; 手帕

trade; adj. 贸易;商业; business WTO. merchant;

typhoon; ;n. 台风; 谐音: 联想:type 类型;种类;打字

adventurous; ;adj. 喜欢冒险的;充满危险的; 联想:adventure ;

as well as 也;还;而且;以及

backpack ; ;n. 背包; 词中词:pack 包;back;联想backward落后的;向后forward 向前;

basic; adj./n 基本的;基本;要素 base 基础的 basis 基础basin

board; vt. 上(船、飞机等) on broad;

broad 宽的; aboard 在船/飞机上

cellophane ;n. 手机; 联想:

mobile phone; automobile汽车

combine ;vt. & vi. (使)联合;(使)结合 ;联想:connect 联合;unit; join;

consider ;vt. 考虑;照顾;认为; 词中词:side;

contain ;vt. 包容;容纳; 复习:include ;tain 锡铂; tin 锡罐;

destination ;n. 目的地 ;同义:purpose 目标;aim; goal

eco-travel; ;n. 生态旅游; ecology 生态学; ecologist 生态学家

equipment; ;n. 装备;设备; 联想:equip v. 词中词: quip双关语; decorate装潢;装饰;

excitement ;n. 刺激;兴奋;激动;

联想:excite 使激动; thrill;刺激;

experience; vt.& n. 体验;经历;经验 ; experiment; 试验; experienced adj.

get away from 逃离; 同义: escape; flee(fled;fled)

handle ;vt./n 操作;处理;柄;把手; 联想:control; operate ;conduct ;词中词:hand;

means ;n. 手段;方法 复习:way;

method; approach;

nature ;n. 自然;自然界;本性;联想: natural; 自然的;strait; feature特征;characteristic

normal adj. 正常的;正规的;标准的 近义 formal;反义词:abnormal非正式的;正式的;informal非正式的;

normal ;n. 正规;常态; 联想:regular; irregular; abnormal

on the other hand 另一方面;比较;on the one hand;

unit;单元; 联想:unity 统一;团结; unite

paddle; vi.n.vt. 划桨;涉水; 用桨划词中词:pad 垫子;填料;联想: row 划船

particular; ;adj 特别的;特殊的; special;especial; 反义词: common;general;

poison ;n. 毒药;毒害; 联想:poisonous有毒的;有害的;恶毒的

protect sb / sth from 保护、保卫某人(某事物;)联想: defend; keep; prevent; stop...from阻止;

responsibly adv. 负责地;联想: responsible; adj. respond 回答;反应

see sb off . (到火车站、飞机场等处)为某人送行 ;联想:bring sb. back;

separate; adj. 单独的;分开的; 词中词rate 比率;分开;隔离; Sep. 九月(缩写)

similarity; .n 类似;类似处 ; 联想:


simple ;adj. 简单的 ; 反义词:difficult; complex

simply ;adv. 仅仅;只不过;简单地;完全;简直; 近义merely

spider ;n. 蜘蛛;词中词: side; spider map蜘蛛图;

stream ;vt.& vi. 溪;川;流;词中词:team;

换一字cream 乳酪 scream 尖叫

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