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以下为课件内提取的文本内容,仅供参考: “9.11” 美国世贸大楼被袭 伊拉克前总统萨达姆在法庭上 28届雅典奥运会中国队入场 我国女子射击运动员杜丽获雅典奥运会首金 国家主席胡锦涛会见外宾 Reading text The text below is about reporters and newspapers. Look at the title and the pictures. Try to guess which of the following questions the text will answer. ____How does a reporter decide what to write? ____How much does a newspaper cost? ____Why do people read newspapers? ____How do newspapers report what happens? ____Where do people read newspapers? ____How do newspapers help us understand the world? Pre-reading: Topic sentence Chen Ying Zhu Lin Zhu Lin Before …, discuss … editor…listens, suggests… ( long & important ) …tell…develop Editor’s job----keep …balanced & interesting Chen Ying …done…before starting; begin by contacting…questions interviewing, how ---ask, get…to talk… After…present….,make sure----reflects… Zhu Lin …about an ordinary young woman who… adapt to…life because …with real passion; realize…unique About the efforts… Contact …museums & interview experts Because …news & story Chen Ying Topic sentence 1.Which of the Pre-reading questions are answered in the text? 2. If you were a reporter, what would you like to write about? 3. It is important to be a critical reader. How would you “read” the following media messages? Newspaper and other media just record what happens. The reporter has to discuss with the editor before he/she decides what to write. Much has been done before the reporter starts writing. Chen Ying’s favourite story is about an ordinary young woman. The media can often help solve problems and draw attention to situations where help is needed. Do you believe these media ? Do you believe these media ? Do you believe these media ? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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