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Unit 2 Water sports

作者:未知来源:中央电教馆时间:2006/4/17 20:29:53阅读:nyq

What are some of the most popular water sports in Kailua Bay?

  Kailua Bay has many different water conditions which create a good environment for many water sports. Through observation and a survey of Lanikai students and their families we have identified some of the most popular water sports.

  Which one is your favorite?

surfs up ! SURFING surfs up !

Would you like to have a try? Would you like to follow the boy riding on the waves in the picture? If so, what will you have to get ready? What about a surfing board?

People have surfed in Hawaii since they first arrived. The first white man to see this was Captain James Cook in 1778. He wrote in his journal, "They placed themselves on the summit of the largest wave by which they were driven rapidly to the shore."

With a wave to ride and a board to stand on surfers today enjoy the waves as much as the ancient Hawaiians did. The hardest part is paddling out through powerful rushing waves.


There are two main types of boards, the longboard and the shortboard. It is best for a beginner to learn on a longboard because it's easier to stand on and you can catch smaller waves. If you've been surfing for a long time you might enjoy using a shortboard.

Boogie-boarding is one of the most active water sports in Hawaii. There are so many different turns, jumps that a boogie boarder can do on a wave.

Boogie boarding is the most popular sport with people from ages 20 and under. Even though boogie boarding looks easy it takes awhile to learn. Of course, practice makes perfect.

Boogie boards vary in price. Inexpensive boards range from $20 to $30. Professional boards are between $80 and $100. Usually fins are not worn by beginners but professionals require them because it increases speed and makes it easier to catch waves. Fins are expensive but are worth the price for they last for around 3-4 years, if you don't have a growth spurt.


Paddling is a very popular sport and gives you big muscles on your arms. You paddle with six people. You use a paddle to pull the canoe backwards or forwards.

In a six man canoe the first paddler sets the pace. The second person tells when to switch sides and the third and fourth paddlers are the strongest. The fifth person is usually a beginner and the sixth person is the steersman.

One man canoeing is related to paddling except one person does everything. There are little pedals by your feet to steer the canoe.

How to paddle: Raise your paddle high in the air and stroke, or pull, the blade through the water towards you.


In the 1960's windsurfing was introduced in the United States. During the 1970's windsurfing became very popular in Europe. Kailua Bay is one of the most popular windsurfing spots in the world. Because of the direction of the wind in relationship to our beach, Kailua Bay is considered a perfect place for beginning and intermediate wind surfers. On very windy days it is a great sport for advanced wind surfers.

There are many parts of a windsurfing rig and you need to learn how to put your rig together once you are at the beach. A beginners rig costs between $600 to $1.200 dollars while an expert rig can cost up to $5000.

There are three windsurfing shops in Kailua where you can rent windsurfing equipment for about $30.00 per day. Lessons are also available for beginners. Our water is warm so you may not need to rent a wet suit unless you are windsurfing in the winter when the winds are strongest and the temperatures are cold.

When we spoke to the rental shops they said it was very important to have rental insurance as it is very possible to collide with another wind surfer which can damage the equipment.


Swimming is a very popular sport. In swimming you mostly use your arms to stroke the water. Kicking with your feet adds a little more speed and balance. Swimming is popular because it is fun. Lots of people swim in Lanikai and Kailua. Most people swim where there are no rocks or reefs, a flat spot with no waves, or where there are some waves. Some people swim for competition, but the main reason why people swim is because it is fun.

Unusual Water Sports

  Probably the best-known water sport is swimming, but there are many other water sports such as SCUBA diving. This sport is very popular in the Caribbean Ocean where the water is very clear. The letters “SCUBA” are an acronym for the term, “Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus.” Before a person can SCUBA dive he must be an excellent swimmer and learn how to breathe using very specialized equipment. This equipment includes a tank of compressed air, a facemask, a special breathing tube, and special “fins” for his feet. The “fins” look very much like large ducks’ feet.

     A SCUBA diver can descend to depths of over one hundred feet. However, it is dangerous to go too deep because of the risk known as the “bends.” If a person dives too deep, his body might absorb too much nitrogen and not enough oxygen; then, when he surfaces, the nitrogen could form gas bubbles in his tissues, and he could contract a painful and sometimes fatal disorder called the “bends.”

     Snorkeling is another water sport. It is popular in places like Florida and the Caribbean. To snorkel, you must be able to swim, but snorkeling is easier to learn and is less dangerous than SCUBA diving. When you snorkel, you remain on the surface of the water. The only equipment you need is a facemask that contains a long tube that sticks out of the water while you swim. The tube permits you to breathe normally while swimming. Snorkeling is fun because from the surface of the water you can look down and see fish, underwater plant life, and coral reefs.

     Water skiing is also a popular sport in warm climates. In summer, in many areas of the United States, people enjoy water skiing on lakes and rivers. In some ways, skiing on water is similar to skiing on snow. However, for water skiing, a fast-moving boat is necessary to pull the skier through the water.

     Still another type of water sport involves two teams of swimmers using a ball to play a game in which each team tries to throw the ball into the opposing team's goal. This sport is sometimes called “water polo.”

  1. What is probably the best-known water sport?
  2. What do the letters “SCUBA” stand for?
  3. If a SCUBA diver goes to deep underwater he may suffer from an illness known as _______.
  4. In addition to swimming and SCUBA diving, three other water sports might be ________, _______, and _______.
  5. A water sport that is very similar to a snow sport is____________.

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