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Unit 22 Bees

作者:未知来源:中央电教馆时间:2006/4/17 20:29:54阅读:nyq


  I’ve got a lot of books that might interest you.我有许多或许会使你感兴趣的书。
  He tried to interest me in politics.他试图使我对政治感兴趣。
  He’s a most interesting man.他是一个很有意思的人。
  I have always been interested in building up character bit by bit.我对逐步培养性格一直有兴趣。
  He found himself more and more interested in the subject.他发现自己对那个题目越来越有兴趣。
  He threw an interested look at us.他很感兴趣地看看我们。
  It amazed me to hear that you were leaving.听说你准备离开使我很惊讶。
  It is truly an amazing change that has taken place.确实发生了惊人的变化。
  The experiment was an amazing success.实验获得惊人成功。
The news astonished everybody.消息使大家大为吃惊。
  It was an astonishing performance for such a young musician.对于这样的年轻音乐家来说,表演惊人的好。
  It is astonishing to me that he should be absent.他竟然缺席,使我大为惊异。
  They looked astonished at the news.他们看上去对消息很吃惊。
  Jack,astonished,asked her to explain her behaviour.杰克很吃惊,请她解释自己的行为。
  16.A(large/great)number of…相当于some(many),意为一些(许多)。用作句子主语时,谓语动词用复数。而the number of 意“为……的数量”,作句子主语时,谓语动词用单数。如:
  There were a number of people out this afternoon.今天下午有些人外出。
  Numbers of people are coming to the meeting from all over the country.许多人从全国各地来参加会议。
  A great number of children were murdered.许多儿童被谋杀。
  The number of students absent is ten.缺席学生数是十。
  There are a million camels in India and the number(of camels)is increasing.印度有一百万骆驼,这个数字正在增长。
  3.faraway由far + away构成,作“远方的”解;nearby由near + by合成,作“附近的”解。faraway作定语时常连写,作表语和状语时分写;near切可作定语或状语,可连写nearby,也可以分写near by,还可以加注字符near-by。如:
  He lives far away from the school.他住得离学校很远。
  They could see the faraway forest.他们可以看见远处的森林。
  The house is not far away.房子不远。
  He gave up his seat on the bus to an old woman standing near by.他在公共汽车上把座位让给站在附近的老太太。
  Before breakfast they often climbed a near-by hill.早饭前他们经常爬附近的小山。
  6.head(vt.)意为朝某方向前进(move in a certain direction)。如:
  They saw the enemy troops heading northeast.他们看见敌军向东北方向前进。
  They’re heading home.他们正在回家。
  The captain headed the ship northward.船长使船向北开。
  His address headed the letter.他的地址居信件之首。
  When the president died,the vice-president was chosen to head the firm.总裁去世时,副总裁被挑选领导公司。


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