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以下为课件内提取的文本内容,仅供参考: Key to success Unit 11 Before you read the text , answer the following questions about teams. 1 Look at the pictures. Explain for each type of sport what the composition of a team is, which roles each of the team players has , and how the game is played. Pre-reading 2 What are the requirements for a sports team to function well? 3 Scan the text and list the requirements mentioned in the text. Requirement mentioned in the text. Listening 3 What has led to much misunderstanding? 1 What is an opportunity to learn more about teamwork? 2 What help teams function well. Reading 1 According to the author, what are requirements for teams to function well? 2 In paragraph 6 , the author compare a project team to a rugby team. What are the similarities and differences between a project team and a rugby team? Comparing a project team to rugby team creates a funny effect. Why? Can you compare two things that are similar on the surface but have very fundamental differences? Give an example. 3 What are some of the different roles in a project team? 4 According to the author, some team members a work best in alone. Is this statement contradictory or not ?Explain. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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