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Unit 9 The memory robot

作者:未知来源:中央电教馆时间:2006/4/17 20:29:53阅读:nyq


Lego Vehicles

  There is a kind of Robert. It is a large number of autonomous Lego vehicles. They are controlled by 68000 like 'brain bricks', which are programmed in C, or in a high-level pseudo-parallel language called CPL developed within the department. The brain bricks can be connected to Lego motors, as well as a variety of sensors. Sensors used for teaching vehicles are infrared range sensors, bumper microswitches, whiskers, light-dependent resistors, and a hall-effect sensor. Research vehicles normally include other sensors also.
  The use of Lego allows the morphology (shape) of the vehicle to be changed easily. This allows us to investigate the relationship between morphology, environment, and behaviour.
  These vehicles are used for research and as part of our Intelligent Sensing and Control course. Lego robots built as the practical part of this course participate in a competition, currently rugby although in previous years we've done Sumo wrestling instead, or had a `most interesting robot' competition.

Robots and you
  Mrs. Mott invented a memory robot for her husband. What can other kinds of robots do? Have you seen a robot? Have you used a robot? What is a robot?
  A writer first used the word robot in 1921 in a play. Since then, many languages use the word robot. A robot is a machine that does work by itself. Robots do all kinds of work for people. They can make plastic food boxes, put a box around ice cream, or even make a watch.
Most robots do not look like people. Most robots stand still, and have one arm that can do different kinds of work. The arm can lift and hold things. A robot aim can use tools. For example, some robots are used to paint cars. The paint would be dangerous for people, so the robots paint the cars.
  Some robots can move. They have cameras for eyes, and they can feel with their robot hands. Robots can be used under the sea to find ships; some robots are used in space; some robots go into volcanoes where people cannot go.
  Today, robots axe helping doctors; robots are helping to make highways; robots are helping make tall buildings; robots are helping people cut grass. What would you like a robot to do for you?



  be用was或用were, have, has变had.
  一般动词加-ed, 若是特殊得硬记。
  动词若是was, were,否定就把not添。



  二、英文日记的格式通常为:首行顶格写“月、日、年、星期”或“星期、月、日、年”,如:Tuesday February 6, 2001 / February 6, 2001 Tuesday, 年份可以略去不写;在该行的右边写上当日的天气状况。如:Rainy / Cloudy / Fine等;第二行写标题,也可以不写;再下一行写日记的正文,正文的第一段的第一行可以顶格写,也可以和以后各段的第一行一样,后移三、四个字母位置开始写。

  Good luck with your Chinese! 祝你汉语学习顺利!
  Good luck! 是祝愿用语,意为“祝走运,祝顺利”,后跟人时,要用介词to, 后跟物时,要用介词with. 例如:
  Good luck to you! 祝你走运!
  Good luck with your work!祝你工作顺利!

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