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Unit 2 Can you spell it

作者:未知来源:中央电教馆时间:2006/4/17 20:29:52阅读:nyq

Lesson 6,7

    Can you spell it, please? Yes, J-I-M, Jim.
    This is … How do you do? Excuse me. Are you …?
    Yes, I am./No, I am not. Welcome to China! Sorry. That's all right.


教学方法:认知心理五步法: 即:Perception 感知 Imitation模仿 Consolidation 巩固
Proficiency掌握 Application 运用

 Step 1 Revision
  1) Practise greetings Hello, How are you? What's your name?
  2) Revise and practise the dialogues in Lesson 5, Pictures 1-3.
   Excuse me. Are you …? Yes, I am./ No, I am not. Oh, sorry. That's all right.

 Step 2 Leading in
  T: What's my name? My name is Li Hua. L-I, Li H-U-A, Hua. What's your name, please ?
  S1. My name is…
  T: Can you spell it, please?
  S1: Yes, I can. …
  ( T指教师; S1指一个学生,这个学生事先应对这个对话最好有所准备,理解Can you spell it , please 的准确含义, 并能与教师进行熟练的对话)在引入句型Can you spell ….? 后,可进行小组练习。

 Step3 Presentation
  Part 1 Look, listen, and say-----Pair Practice
  1) SB Page 7, Part 1, Picture 1 Speech Cassette Lesson 6. Play the tape,then get the class to repeat. Half the class can be Jim and the other can be the man.
  2) Using their own names to practise. And then act it out in front of the classroom.
  3) Ask two Ss to come. And the teacher says: This is…., and this is….
  S1: How do you do? S2: How do you do? And then they shake their hands
  4) Listen to the tape and repeat several times.
  5) Three Ss a group. And practise like: This is …, and this is …. How do you do? After a few minutes, have some groups act it out. And ask Ss to use different voices. Have some fun with this.

 Step 4 Practice
  1) Say to the Ss in Chinese that we are at the airport meeting people. Say:
I'm Li Fen. Have a student who dresses like a foreigner (a tie and a hat) be Mr Green. Demonstrate the following dialogue:
  T: Excuse me. Are you Mr. Green? S: Yes, I am.
  T: Oh, good. I'm Li Fen. How do you do?
  S: How do you do?
  When they know the dialogue quite well, teach: Welcome to China and Thank you.
  Listen to the tape and repeat several times. ( Lesson 7, Part 1 )
  Get the Ss to practise the dialogue in Part 1 in pairs.
  Get a few pairs to act the dialogue for the class.

  Step5 Presentation
  Teaching letters Listening Cassette Lesson 6, Part 2. Then have them practise as a whole class and in rows.
  SB Page 8, Lesson 7, Part 2.Ask the Ss to give the letters containing the /ei/ sound. Write on the Bd: A H J K
  Repeat with: B C D E G P T V
  Repeat with: F L M N S X Z
  The letters are grouped. The letters in each group all contain the same vowel sound. But Don't forget O and R

 Step6 Practise
  1) Playing a game: At last if you have time, Play the ABC game. All Ss stand up. Each student says one letter. If a student says the wrong letter or pronounces it incorrectly, the teacher says: No, please sit down. The last three or four Ss standing are the winners.
  2) Lesson 6, Part 3. Listen to the tape and follow

 Step 7 Homework
  Learn by heart the dialogues and the letters.

 Step 8 The design of the blackboard

Unit 2 Can you spell it ?
Lesson Six the sixth lesson

What's your name , please ?           A H J K
My name is….= My name's….           B C D E G P T V
Can you spell it , please ?           F L M N S X Z
Yes, I can. ….                 I Y
This is…and this is …             U Q W
How do you do ?                 Don't forget O and R


Lesson 8

一、教学目的(Teaching aims)

二、重点(Key points)

三、难点(Difficult points)
  复习 Short forms:I'm=I am.
  My name's = My name is
  It's=It is
  See you later!See you!
  Where is A?-It's here.

四、教学方法(Teaching methods)

五、教具(Teaching aids)

六、教学过程(Teaching procedures)
 Step 1 Revision(6 mins)
  1.Duty report.
  2.Free talk.

 Step 2 Presentation(6 mins)
  1.听 Part l录音,学生跟读。

 Step 3 Practise (5 mins)
  让学生打开书,彩图II找出图中的一些人物,动物、绳来、棍棒等所分别是现出现的26个字母的形状,两人一组用Can you see……? Where is……?谈论,限时 3分钟。哪组先找到并谈论完26个字母后就举手,快者为冠亚军,提名表扬。
  重点练习 Where is A?- It's here.句型。

 Step 4 Sing this song (10 mins)
  1.放ABC song录音。让学生第一遍静听、第二遍跟唱。

 Checkpoint 2.(10 mins)
  2.教师提问一名学生总结is am are三个系动词的用法区别。
  3.让学生找出课文中,含有is am are的句子,口头说出,教师板书,然后学生抄写并反复朗读。
   My name is…This is… It is a… It is… What is…?Where is…?
   So am I. I am fine. OK.
   Are you Wei Hua? How are you?
   It is= It's I am=I'm What is=What's

 Step 4 Consolidation(7 mins)
   A.H.Q.W.X.M.A.R.l, o, j, n, i, z, y, v.
  做Ex. 2时,可采用按座位依次快速辨认,每人辨认一对字母,全班都轮完后,让学生仔细看题,并比较两者的差别。
   A E I O U
   A H J K
   B C D E G P T V
   F L M N S X Z
   I Y
   U Q W

 Step 5 Homework.(1 min)
  2.练唱 A B C song可是录音。
  3.做课堂上未做完的Lesson 8 in the workbook. 其中Ex 8. 9. 10,要求学生自学、编对话或表演。

七、板书(The design of the blackboard)

Lesson 8

(1) My name is…This is…
  It is a…It is …
  What is…? Where is…?
(2) I am Jim
  fine OK
  Are you Wei Hua?
  How are you?
  It is--It's
  I am--I'm
  What is--What's
(3) See you later
  See you!

  HELLO__________ AM _________. ARE __________
  NO __________ NOT _________. NAME__________

 II. 用am, is, are 填空
  1. -Where _________Polly?
   -It ________ here.
  2. -How _________ you Jim Green?
   -I ________ fine.
  3. - I am Kate, You _________ Jim Green.
  4. - What ________ your name?
   - My name _________ Gao Hui
  5. -_________ you Mr. Zhang?
   -No, I __________not.

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