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Unit 21 Karl Marx

作者:未知来源:中央电教馆时间:2006/4/17 20:29:54阅读:nyq


Karl Marx

  Karl Marx was born on May5, 1818. He entered Bonn University in 1835 and went to Berlin University to continue his studies two years later. In October 1842, he became the editor(编辑) of the “Rheinische Zeitung”, and there he began his attack on the old society. Because of his revolutionary activities he was forced to leave his homeland. He moved to France and then to Belgium (比利时). In 1848, he returned to Cologne to join the revolution directly. After the 1848 revolution failed, he was expelled(驱逐) from Germany. He went to Pans, but was soon forced to leave France. In 1849, he went to London and spent most of his life time there.

  Marx became one of the leading spirits of the First International (第一国际). Together with Engels. Marx published the Manifesto of the Communist Party《共产党宣言》in 1848. His most important work was Capital (《资本论》). The first volume was published in 1867.

  Marx was also a great learner of languages. He could read all the leading European languages and write in three: German, French and English. He would like to say that a foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life.

  He died on March 14, 1883 in London.


  Engels, Friedrich (1820—1895), German revolutionary political economist  and cofounder, with Karl Marx, of scientific socialism, now known as communism.

  Engels was born in Barmen (now Wuppertal) . He came from a wealthy protestant family. At an early age he was influenced by the works of the  radical German poet Heinrich Heine and the German philosopher G. W. F. Hegel, and in 1839 he began writing on literary and philosophical topics for a number of publications. In 1842 Engels was  converted to Communist beliefs by the German Socialist Moses Hess. In the same year he met Karl Marx.

  Early Writings: Collaboration with Marx in a Manchester. England, textile firm between 1842 and 1844, Engels came into contact with Chartism, the movement for extension of suffrage to workers. He contributed to the Northern Star and other publications and made a study of political economy. His experience and studies convinced him that politics and history could be explained only in terms of the economic development of society; he believed that the social evils of the time were the inevitable result of the institution of private property- and could be eliminated only through a class struggle culminating in a Communist society. These conclusions were embodied in a historical study. Condition of the Working Class in England (1844),  which established Engels's reputation as a revolutionary political economist.

  In Paris, in 1844, Engels visited Marx, who had published works sympathetic to communism, The two men found that they had arrived independently at identical views and undertook to work together. Their many-sided collaboration continued until the death of Marx in 1883. It had two principal aspects: systematic exposition of the principles of communism, later known as Marxism; and the organization of an international Communist movement. Lesser aspects of their collaboration included journalistic writing for the New York Tribune and other publications.



  1.http: //www. encarta. msn.com微软英卡塔学习园地[可以查百科、有声词典]

  2.http: //www. time. com/time/magazine时代杂志

  3.http: // www. timedigest. com/中英文对照时代杂志

  4.http: //www. abcnews. go. com ABC新闻网


  1.http:// www. pen123. come张士伯英语网

  1.http: // www. globalenglish. com环球英语网

  2.http: // www. chinaenglishtown. com英语城

  3.http: // www. icansay. com英文锁顶

  4.http: // syonline. net. cn/edu/english英语空间

  5.http: // www. 4netease. com/fnqin英语园地

  6.http: // www. hongen. com/eng/洪恩在线

  7.http: // www. ebidge. net英语吧


  1.http: // www. 21century. com. cn 21世纪报网络版

  2.http: // scripts. 163. net 英文剧本少年天地

  3.http: // www. nease. net/english 英语学苑(有儿童英语学习指导)

  4.http: // www. englishchina. com英语中国

  5.http: // www. eyeenglish. com随意学英语

  6.http: // www. crosswinds. net/lestudio 出国留学英语加油站

  7.http: // www. coolcard. 126. com英语酷卡站

  8.http: // wusongchu. 163. net英语师生通车

  9.http: //cheng-lm. home. chinaren.com英语过山车

  10.http: //www. ale. com. hk/alenet/gifts实用生活英语俱乐部

  11.http: //www. chinatranslation. com中国翻译网剑桥大词典

  12.http: //cn. yahoo. com/dictionary雅虎中文词典

  13.http: //say. china. com中华网英语沙龙聊天室

  14.http: // www. cnn. com/audioselect CNN有线电视网

  15.http: // www. broadcast. com/bbc  BBC电台


  l.http: // enjoyenlish. yeah. net网络英语

  2.http: // mlist. netease. com/网易englilsh电子杂志

  3.http: // mryuan. 3322. net/ 袁老师课堂邮件

  4.http: // magic2000. cn99. com Easy English电子杂志

  5.http: // seesaw. myrice. com跷跷板英语网路电子杂志


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