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Unit 14 Satellites

作者:未知来源:中央电教馆时间:2006/4/17 20:29:54阅读:nyq


一、Teaching aims and demands

二、Teaching important and difficult points
  1. 重点词汇 personally; broad; fold; connect; signal; pull; height; mention; question; attempt; feel like doing; so/as far as; in space; dozens of; carry out
  2. 重要句型
  1) Once the satellite goes into its orbit round the earth, the panels are unfolded in order to catch the sunshine.   2) There is a rocket motor on the satellite by which the direction of the satellite can be changed if necessary.
  3) It is therefore possible to say not only what the weather is like at present, but also what is likely to happen in the next day or two.
  4) The problem with looking into space from the earth is that there is a lot of dust in the earth's air. 5) The dusty air makes it difficult to get a clear picture of space.
  3. 语法 复习定语从句 ( Revising the Attributive Clause ) 1)   There is a rocket motor by which the direction of the satellite can be changed. 2) There was no way in which it could be brought back to the earth. 3) We carefully studied the photos, in which we could see signs of plant disease.
  4.日常交际用语 打算和意愿( Intentions and wishes ) 1) What shall I do today? The weather's not very good. 2) I feel like going to a museum. 3) What about you? What do you feel like doing? 4) Personally, I'd rather go to the Science Museum. 5) I'd like to see that too. Maybe I could find some useful information. 6) I haven't decided what to do yet.

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